Peak Flow Meters

Allergy Be Gone is your main information source for allergy and asthma. We offer a wealth of products as well as tips to help you manage your symptoms including choosing and using the right peak flow meter. When you have asthma, it's important to manage your symptoms with a peak flow meter. However, it's also vital to use a peak flow meter correctly.
- Respironics HS755 Personal Best Peak Flow Meter, Full Range
- Asthma Pack III
- Peak Flow Meter Accessories
- Airzone Peak Flow Meter
- Airzone Peak Flow Meter
- Assess Peak Flow Meter Low Range
- Assess Peak Flow Meter Standard Range
- Ferraris 345010 Peak Flow Meter - Deluxe Kit
- Ferraris 345010 Piko-1 Electronic Peak Flow Meter
- Ferraris PikoNET Asthma Management Software - USB Cradle
- Mini Wright Digital Peak Flow Meter
- Mini Wright Peak Flow Meter - Deluxe Kit
- Mini Wright Peak Flow Meter Low Range
- Mini Wright Peak Flow Meter Standard Range
- Omron PF9940 PeakAir Peak Flow Meter
With a peak flow meter, asthma sufferers can monitor their condition daily from the comfort of their homes. The "peak flow rate" refers to the maximum speed at which air can be exhaled from the lungs. When you can report these results to your doctor, you become actively involved in your asthma management, which can lead to a quicker response to your individual needs. See the illustration on the right which demonstrates the proper use of a peak flow meter. Click on the image for information about peak flow meters and managing your asthma using the "zones" system, or visit our Peak Flow Meters Information Page.
Let Allergy Be Gone be your go to place for allergy and asthma.