Below is a comparison of the different types of Allergy Bedding Reviewed

- Vinyl - line of vinyl box spring encasings
- Laminate - line of Economy Lite encasings
- Microfiber - line of Pristine Basic and Pristine PREMIUM mattress covers
- Non-woven

Polyurethane Laminates

However, being that these encasings are priced for budget minded consumers, we carry the Economy Lite laminate encasing line

Allergy encasings come in many different fabrics, styles and sizes; the key is to do your research to see which one best fits your needs and lifestyle.
We offer two lines of microfiber encasings:

Our Pristine® PREMIUM line is made of the highest standard woven microfiber. It has a smoother texture and a smaller pore size than Pristine® Basic, offers the best possible protection and the ultimate in comfort.
And it costs not much more than laminate encasings! Prices for our encasings:
- Our Pristine lines of Pristine Basic & Pristine PREMIUM microfiber encasings are essentially equal to what retail stores charge for generic laminate encasings.
- Our line of laminated encasings is essentially equal to what retail stores charge for generic vinyl encasings.
Non-woven encasings
One last type of encasing fabric, the "non-woven", must be mentioned to make the story complete. An older example of a non-woven fabric is felt. This is made by gluing short pieces of yarn to each other to form a mass. This is in contrast to a woven fabric where the long warp and weft yarns are alternately woven above and below each other on a loom. Newer non-woven microfiber fabrics are effective and inexpensive allergen barriers, but they are not made to withstand machine washing, and they do not have the strength or durability of woven microfiber encasings.Not all encasings are equal! It is, of course, up to the individual to decide what they want to buy and what you are willing to spend. But if the above differences are understood, one will be in a position to make an informed decision.
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