Comforter Covers & Interliners

Dust mites can exist in any material that contains fibers, including your favorite comforter. Our Pristine interliners and comforter covers protect you from harmful allergens. If you have a duvet cover you don't want to give up, consider one of our interliners. They're placed between the comforter and your usual decorative cover. This is a great solution when you don't want anything to affect your décor but still need protection against dust mites. These interliners are lightweight, breathable and will keep dust mites from touching your skin. They're also machine-washable, making them even more convenient to use.
Our Pristine allergy comforter cover protects with a microfiber barrier, and yet it is luxuriously soft to the touch. In addition to protecting against allergens, they will also keep you from getting sweaty and uncomfortable as you sleep. They can also be machine washed without losing any of their effectiveness or softness. For more information about different kinds of protective encasings and an overview of the various materials that are used, see our
Bedding Comparison and Review page.