Amaircare Air Cleaner HEPA Filters, Pre-Filters, Accessories

Amaircare manufactures HEPA-based air purifiers that help combat environmental pollution and meet the highest standards of pollution removal. That means you can trust Amaircare to keep you and your family safe. Shop for a range filters, pre-filters and accessories to keep your portable, in-room and whole house air cleaning units from Amaircare running like new. That includes annual replacement filter kits, which have both filters and pre-filters, as well as HEPA cartridges, ultra VOC canisters and even replacement motors and cigarette lighter adapters for a variety of Amaircare's most popular air cleaner and air purifier models. Pre-filters capture larger air particles like pet dander, which frees up filters to concentrate on smaller more nefarious particles like bacteria and mold. Together, they make a formidable team air-cleaning team.