Allergy & Asthma Avoidance Information

The following information explains how you can lower your exposure to specific allergens: house dust mites, pet dander, pollen and mold.
Pet Dander: If getting rid of a family pet isn't an option, the dog or cat should be kept out of the allergic person's room at all times. Removing the bedroom carpet is also a good way to reduce the presence of dander. If that can't be done, vacuum with a HEPA filter available here. Vent and furnace filters available here can trap allergens before they spread through the house.
Pollen: As pollen counts are highest between 5 and 10 a.m. during allergy season, especially when it's hot, and dry outside, try to limit going outdoors during these hours. Keep your house, office and car windows closed to lower exposure to pollen during hay fever season. Use air conditioners and window filters instead of opening windows or turning on attic fans.
Dust Mites: Because dust mites are most present in the bedroom start by vacuuming and then enclosing mattresses, box springs and pillows in zippered allergen-proof covers. Wash sheets, pillow cases and blankets every other week in hot water using anti-dust mite additives available here.
Mold: A miticide available here should be used to kill the mold spores and an inhibitor used to prevent regrowth once the area of mold growth has been identified. To discourage further growth, increase ventilation and proper drainage.
A comprehensive list of helpful steps and effective products we carry are available by clicking on the links to decreasing the presence of the allergens listed below.