
The tiny particles released by some trees, grasses and weeds during certain times of the year can ride the winds and enter our noses and throats to produce what's been called seasonal allergic rhinitis. Another commonly used term is hay fever. Prescription medicines and over-the-counter remedies such as antihistamines can lessen or temporarily stop symptoms. However, even hiding indoors and closing all the windows cannot guarantee that you won't come into contact with pollen if you suffer from pollen allergies.
At Allergy Be Gone, we carry products specifically designed to clear pollens from the air and pollens that collect on clothing, bedding, carpets, furniture and inside cars. Shop our unmatched collections of top brands in pollen-fighting air filtration systems, face masks and cleaning supplies and equipment. With our Allergy Info pages and Allergy Blog, we're also your source for the latest research findings and pollen-busting tips. Because we were founded by an allergy sufferer, we're committed to helping you breathe easier, too.
Preventive measures recommended by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for any pollen allergy season includes these tips:
- Stay indoors when pollen counts are highest between 5 and 10 a.m. during allergy season, especially when it's hot, and dry outside.
- Dry clothes in an automatic dryer instead of hanging them on a clothesline outside, since pollens can collect in fabric.
- Keep house, office and car windows closed to lower exposure to pollen during hay fever season. Rely on air conditioners and window filters instead of windows and attic fans for air circulation.
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences reports that ragweed is one of the more notorious pollens among allergy sufferers. This division of the National Institutes of Health reports that ragweed and other weeds such as sagebrush and curly dock are prolific producers of pollen allergens. In the U.S., ragweed pollen levels are highest from August to November in most regions. Tree and grass pollen varies from region to region, but these allergens, too, are seasonal in most areas.
Grasses that can cause allergic reactions include Bermuda grass, John grass and Kentucky bluegrass. If you're a sufferer, wear a mask when mowing the lawn or let someone else do it. The agency also suggests choosing ground covers such as Irish moss and dichondra that don't produce as much pollen.
Even if trees that produce pollen are not near your home or office, they can still cause sneezing and red, runny noses. Trees produce large amounts of pollen that can blow miles from the source. Trees can begin releasing pollen as early as January in the South and as late as summer in northern states. Some sufferers might be allergic to elm, cedar or pecan trees. Others might be susceptible to pollen from hickory, elm, juniper or catalpa trees. The agency suggests planting species such as crape myrtle, fig, fir, redbud or dogwood trees that are less likely to aggravate allergies. For more information about pollen allergy triggers, click on our References feature on this page.
Page last modified: 10/02/14
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