Pristine Complete Pillow Encasings, Top Quality Pillow Encasings for allergies

Microfiber fabrics are new high-tech fabrics made of fibers so thin and yarns so tightly woven that there is no space between the weave of the yarns large enough to allow the passage of allergens or bed bugs. Unlike vinyl encasings, they are truly breathable, that is, both air and water vapor can pass freely through the fabric, even though allergen cannot. They are therefore extremely comfortable, actually imperceptible in use.
Microscope photos have shown that many of the competitive products are much less tightly woven than the Pristine Complete fabric. In many cases, the pores in those fabrics are more than large enough to allow the passage of allergens. This is not the case with Pristine Complete - the pores in this fabric are small enough to block common household allergens. And by the way, we would like to mention that this product is made in the USA