Kansas Allergy Doctors, Allergists, Immunologists - Online Directory
Here you can find information on allergy specialists in Kansas. This directory is constantly updated, so if there is no doctor listed in your area, you can try again later - it is possible that we find an allergist right next to you.
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Allergy Specialists Listings
Allergist Name: | City: | Address: | Phone Number: | Languages Spoken: |
James Black, DO | Hays | 2517 Canterbury Dr Hays, KS 67601-2233 | (785) 628-3131 | |
Carlos E. Garcia, MD | Hutchinson | 2101 North Waldron Street Hutchinson, KS 67502-1197 | (620) 663-9542 | English |
William T Unsderfer, MD | Hutchinson | 1100 N Main St Hutchinson, KS 67501-4496 | (620) 669-6690 | |
Lynn A Wiens, MD | Hutchinson | 6310 Yucca Rd Hutchinson, KS 67502-3841 | (620) 665-6733 | |
Daniel E Bruegger, MD | Kansas City | University Of Kansas Med Ctr Kansas City, KS 66103 | (913) 588-6700 | |
Scott J. Frankel, MD | Kansas City | 8919 Parallel Parkway, Suite 203 Providence Medical Center Kansas City, KS 66112 | (913) 328-7036 | English |
Gerald Lee Goldstein, MD | Kansas City | 8919 Parallel Parkway, Suite 203 Providence Medical Center Kansas City, KS 66112 | (913) 328-7036 | English, French |
Mark Ray Neustrom, DO | Kansas City | 8919 Parallel Parkway, Suite 203 Providence Medical Center Kansas City, KS 66112 | (913) 328-7036 | English |
Warren E Frick, MD | Lawrence | 346 Maine St Lawrence, KS 66044-1359 | (785) 842-3778 | |
John D Martinez, MD | Lawrence | 346 Maine St Lawrence, KS 66044-1359 | (785) 842-3778 | |
Patricia E. Jones, MD | Olathe | 20375 West 151st Street, Suite 402 Olathe, KS 66061-7218 | (913) 764-5400 | English |
Jeremy E. Baptist, PhD, MD | Overland Park | 4601 W. 109th Street, #314 Overland Park, KS 66211 | (913) 469-4043 | |
Dirk Hutchinson, MD | Salina | 501 S Santa Fe Ave Salina, KS 67401-4189 | (785) 827-9631 | |
Karl K Kavel, MD | Topeka | 1123 Sw Gage Blvd Topeka, KS 66604-1781 | (785) 273-9999 | |
Joel M Fromer, DO, MD | Wichita | 8110 East 32nd Street North, Suite 170 Wichita, KS 67226-2627 | (316) 634-0020 |
Are you a physician specializing in allergy-related fields? Join our Allergist Referral Program!